So tell me then what was it for?

Du vet att varje människa gör sina egna val.
Val som kantas utav konsekvenser och belöningar.
När man gör ett val är det oftast med tanken att man på något sätt ska vinna mer än vad man förlorar.
Vi får alla göra våra val, men vi får också ta konsekvenserna.

If I could just speak the words to tell her
Exactly how I feel
I count the ways that I might say it
But I know that none of them will work because
She won't feel the same
I've come this far
But I can't go through with it because the truth would hurt too much
This hurts too much
She goes back to the west coast to drink in the sunshine
And I will stay here in these dead plains
And try to make a seed grow
And I would pray for rain
If I thought that that would help


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